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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holiday Cheer - Pillow Pet Style

It's nearly New Year's Eve and I haven't managed to go through all the Christmas photos. On Christmas Day, we celebrated with our three children, eight grandchildren and some family friends. On Thanksgiving Day, I went through the Black Friday ads with a few of the children. Along with an assortment of Barbies and remote control toys, pillow pets were high on the list of coveted toys. My plan was to get some for the youngest grandchildren. I knew Oriana wanted the unicorn even before she said it. I wanted a bumble bee and a lady bug for the youngest, Caliyana and Dulcea, and Leticia suggested a dog or monkey for Esteban Junior.

After spending a little more money than we had planned on spending, I was going to throw out the pillow pet idea. When I told Candace, however, she mentioned her boys seeing the ad on TV and voicing that they wanted pillow pets too. She said she had been surprised because the desire showed her a side of her boys she hadn't seen for a while. Jurrien had his eye on the panda bear, while Keith wanted the dog. I decided that each child should have a pillow pet to go with his or her other presents.  It sounded like some of the children would want the same one, but I wanted them all to be different, so I assigned a pet to each child. I had been excited when I saw a frog at Walgreens, and I picked it up, although I now had nine pets and only needed eight. I decided that I would sit the frog out and offer an "exchange program," in case a grandchild wasn't happy with his pet.

For the most part, Leticia, Candace, John and I did a good job pairing the kids to the pets. As soon as Evita heard that she could exchange, however, she tossed her penguin aside, grabbed the frog, tore off his tag and carried him around all night. Junior then exchanged his ape for the penguin, and everyone was happy. It was touching to see grandchildren from 5 years old to 11 carrying around their pets all evening, hugging them and using them as pillows later on. One of the grandchildren decided that it was a good thing that I ended up with the ape, because it suited me. I'm not sure that's the case, but he has his own place in the living room, now, and each time I see him, I smile, thinking about another wonderful Christmas and new memories.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Each year, my friend Karleen and I meet somewhere for Christmas lunch. This year, we chose to meet near one of Denver's newest shopping centers, Southlands. Karleen had told me about a boutique there named Charming Charlie. She said that the store had so much jewelry it was overwhelming. One of the great things about Charming Charlie is that the earrings, necklaces, bracelets handbags, scarves, belts and other items are grouped together by color and theme. For example, one area is devoted to purple items, another to animal print and another to items decorated with crosses. Charming Charlie also had miscellaneous items, such as floral embossed measuring spoons I spotted near the cross section. After leaving Charming Charlie, we went across the street to Francesca's Collections. This boutique was smaller so it took a lot less time to go through it. They also had the embossed measuring spoons and an adorable cork bottle stopper with upside down wiggly legs hooked to the cork with springs. I resisted buying anything that day, but the next week, although Southlands is a bit of a drive, John and I went back to the mall and he bought me the measuring spoons and bottle stopper for my anniversary gift. I used them both during holiday festivities. After I've recovered from Christmas expenses, I'll have to check out the Charming Charlie north of us, which is a little closer, and Francesca's in Boulder.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Posh Maids: Service with a Smile -- and Flowers and Chocolates

Cleaning house isn't one of my favorite things. Because of that, I was interested when I got an email showing a Living Social deal for maid service through Posh Maids a few months ago. The deal was for three hours of maid service for $49. I thought it would be great to get someone else to clean my house before the holidays, to give me a head start. Also, Posh Maids offered a little something extra than other local maid services--flowers and chocolates. I figured it would be something like a few Hershey's kisses and a flower, but it was a nice thought, so I set it up. My "Posh Maid" was friendly and did a good job. I was right; she left one flower, but it was a Christmassy flower in a vase, and the chocolates were two Ghirardelli squares. The company also uses green, organic products, which is another plus. Overall, I think Emily and Miranda have a great idea with Posh Maids (

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello Kitty and Moxie Girls

We had another fun-filled evening Saturday. First, while I looked at toys online with the youngest grandchildren, John and Leticia prepared pizza with the Rustic Crust pizza kit I bought at Sunflower Market last week. A cheese, pepperoni and veggie and meat pizza disappeared quickly. Next, we got out the bingo game acquired from the Dollar Tree last week. We usually end up spoiling the children with candy and small items that I keep on hand, but this time we decided to put them in a jar and use them as prizes. The "world's largest candy necklaces" were the first prizes pulled out of the jar by eager hands, followed by miniature gel pens, a candy filled Happy Van and a Hello Kitty lipgloss/snow globe.

Our three youngest grandchildren--Junior, Evita and Dulcea--spent the night. The five of us snuggled together on the sofa to watch Max Lucado's "Christmas Child" and "Jack Frost." I couldn't resist giving Evita and Dulcea an early Christmas present: Moxie Girlz Twins. Along with the dolls, I told them that I wanted them to learn how to share through them. Several times over the evening I heard them exchanging outfit pieces, and exclaiming, "We're sharing." I also explained to them the meaning of "moxie." I was happy that they loved the dolls and that we could use them as teaching tools.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Too Many Barbies to Choose

I had a few Barbies when I was little. Actually, I had a Ken, a Barbie and a Midge. I liked Midge best, because, like me, she had brown hair. I don't know what happened to Ken, but I saved Barbie and Midge, and, amazingly, still have them, although I have very few other keepsakes from my childhood. I added a few other Barbies to my collection years ago when I visited my sister in Omaha and saw international Barbies in one of the local stores. I bought a Canadian Barbie and a Russian Barbie. I refrained from buying a United Colors of Benetton Barbie, but always wished I had. My Barbies stayed in a box in the back of a closet until my grandchildren started spending time with us. Rema was a little too old to play with them, but Oriana picked them up now and then. Evita and Dulcea, however, started playing with the Barbies every time they came over. Their long beautiful hair is usually now tied up in fluffy fashion scrunchies. I never had an extensive doll clothes collection, but I have one animal print jacket my mom made, and it makes its rounds among the dolls, although Midge usually wears it. I decided for Christmas this year that I would buy more Barbies for them to play with here, but also some to send home. I fell in love with Barbie with Glam Bike, since her bike is a beach cruiser, like mine--only it's pink, and my Electra "Boney Finger" is predominately orange. That Barbie will probably stay here for the girls to play with, but one of them will be going home with Tattoo Barbie. That Barbie came in the mail from Mattel this week.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From Travolta to Trouble Sleeping

I'm already behind on my blogging--and I have a lot I want to discuss. I've been editing for Demand Media for a year now. I thought it was finally time to do a little writing as well. I completed my first three articles over the last week, making me an official DM writer. Of course, it isn't like my last job, where I was interviewing the likes of Chuck Yeager and John Travolta, but I do like learning and this gives me an opportunity. One of my first "how to" articles was about choosing a CPAP mask. If you think you might have sleep apnea, you might be interested:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tonics and Tokidoki

One of the best tonics is time spent with friends. I got a double dose of friendship tonic yesterday. First, I met Karleen for a makeup and lunch date. After a hamburger at Johnny Rockets, we headed over to Bare Escentuals to look at the holiday kits. We both invested in one of their fun new products, "Brush With Genius," which is a magnetic, double-ended brush handle and five interchangeable brush heads in a stow & go case. Next, we went to Sephora to browse their holiday goodies. Neither one of us was familiar with Tokidoki, and we both fell in love with the packaging. If you're not familiar with Tokidoki, it's a Japanese-inspired lifestyle brand created by Italian artist Simone Legno. The brand includes apparel, footwear, accessories and, of course, makeup. The Tokidoki makeup line includes eyeshadows, eyeliners, a makeup mirror, makeup cases, a curling iron and lots of other fun stuff. I doubt if I'm going to try the makeup, because I doubt if it's gentle enough for my sensitive skin and eyes, but I have my eye on some of it for my Christmas list.
After we oohed and aahed sufficiently, we parted ways. I headed to Deb's house, so we could discuss my blog. She gave me some great ideas which I plan to incorporate. Afterwards, we headed over to Centennial Airport, where we met her husband Barry, and took advantage of the $10 dinner and $10 bottle of wine specials at the Perfect Landing. It was truly a great day.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Cruising in Mid-November

I never thought I'd like to bike ride, period, let alone ride a bike in mid-November. But, I just got back from an hour-long/10.5 mile ride. When I checked the weather this morning, it was 38 degrees, with a predicted high of 45. That wasn't thrilling. I haven't quite prepared myself for cold-weather riding. I started riding in mid-May, when we bought my Electra "Boney Finger" for me and Electra's "Eight Ball" for John. Before the snow hit this week, I had about 1,050 miles on it. My bike-riding friends have been giving me advice on cold weather gear, but there is one difference. They ride road or mountain bikes, not cruisers. My vanity gets in the way of me wearing the same gear they wear on their bikes on a cruiser. Today, I donned my jeggings, tennis shoes, long-sleeved shirt and hoodie, as well as this goofy looking "martial arts" cap I bought at Wal-Mart, thinking it might work. I don't have gloves yet, but my hands really didn't get cold. Just my face did. I went on the Little Dry Creek Trail a short ways and then got off and rode around Lake Arbor. I only saw one other biker out, but plenty of people were walking their dogs. I made a new Pandora station: Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. It was a good choice; nice mix, from Katy to Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga to Kesha and Rihanna. Overall, I was surprised at how pleasant riding in 45-degree weather can be--especially since there was no wind. I still plan on looking for an indoor alternative for the coldest days, but I have hope that I can get some more outdoor days in for a while.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Little Encouragement

A little encouragement can do wonders for your soul. You could say it's a great tonic. Every time I send a writer an email pointing out the "passive voice" in their articles, or other grammatical issues, I wonder if I'm going to step on someone's toes. Once in a while, someone does comment that she thinks I've gone a little overboard. Sometimes, like today, someone actually thanks me. This person took my critiques as "helpful and constructive," and said he was new to the company and had been struggling to learn the guidelines, but that my thoughtful explanations of my edits had been very helpful. That makes me feel good, and makes me nostalgic for the writers I worked with for 10 years at Airport Journals. Happily, I still keep in touch with many of them--I just don't edit them!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweet, Elusive Sleep

My mom never has trouble sleeping, but I do. I'm always looking for a way to get a good night's sleep. In the past, I've relied on sleep aids such as Ambien and Lunesta, and at times, night time pain relievers. But I am trying to get to sleep in more natural ways these days.
I can't even attempt sleep without a nice, relaxing bath. Usually, I add Epsom salts, to help take care of any aches or pains. I also add one of many bath products I always have around.
Lately, I've had good luck with melatonin. Our brain naturally produces melatonin, which is responsible for regulating sleep. But some of us need more, which we can get with melatonin supplements. The melatonin I take is tinctured with theanine. Until today I didn't know what that was. According to the label, it's a natural compound found in green tea.
Tea is something else that helps a lot of people. I make a point not to drink green tea before bed, because it does contain caffeine, but chamomile and mint, separate or together, are good choices.
Another suggestion is to make sure you are getting enough calcium and magnesium; if you have insomnia, you may be deficient in one or both of these.
I haven't tried it, but one of the articles I edited today states that sprinkling a few drops of lavender on a tissue and placing it under your pillow should help you sleep, because lavender reportedly increases slow-wave sleep, a deep sleep that allows your body to relax completely. On my next trip to the Vitamin Cottage, Sunflower Farmers Market or Whole Foods, I'll get some to try.
Another recommendation is yoga, which helps relax your mind and body. I'm not at the yoga stage in my life, but I'm sure that's worth a try.

Winter is Here

This weekend John and I discovered our favorite bike path so far (Ralston Creek Trail). Now, winter has hit in Colorado! Saturday, I was wearing a t-shirt, shorts and sandals; today, it's a sweater, jeggings and boots. I haven't given up my bike for the season, but the change in the weather does mean I have to figure out what fun exercise to do indoors now when it's too cold outside.
What does any of that have to do with Teas, Tinctures and Tonics? Well, I'm going to classify my Electra beach cruiser "Boney Fingers" as a "tonic." It definitely has done a lot to make me feel good this past spring and summer.
I started thinking about writing this blog last week when I was editing for Demand Media. I read something about the writers linking their work to Facebook and Twitter. It made me feel nostalgic. It's been over a year since I've written anything for a publication. However, I am having fun learning about the subjects I edit, mostly for articles that post to and Since I enjoy the tidbits I learn, I figured I'd start sharing, as I continue my never-ending search for knowledge of alternative treatments, the latest and greatest makeup, the perfect teas and teapots, etc., etc.